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Craven Bank

Keighley is one of the larger branches in the Craven District, and has been in charge at one time or other of SEVEN sub branches.  Between the time of the amalgamation of the Craven Bank with the Bank of Liverpool in 1906, and the creation of the modern-day Martins Bank Limited in 1928, there are branches at Cross Hills, Denholme, Haworth, Oakworth, Oxenhope and Steeton, all of which you can visit by choosing from the sub branch menu further down this page. We are indebted to the late Julian Taylor, a member of Martins Staff and a good friend of the Archive for many years, for some of the images of Keighley branch on this page. The image here (right) shows Martins Bank, and the Police Station in 1963.

In Service from 1840 until 9 August 2024

Image © Barclays Ref 0030/1453

Further down this page, you will see the building in TWO guises – as a branch of the Craven Bank, and of Martins Bank.  For our Keighley features, we learn of the photographic prowess of staff member Jean Race, and the election to the office of Mayor, of George Dale, who also works at Keighley…

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In the Picture

1967 01 MBM.jpgJean Race of Keighley Branch was introduced to a postal photography club by a fellow photographer about four years ago, electing to join the general colour and natural history circles which have about sixteen members each. She sends her slides to the circle secretary who puts them in the appropriate box, with details of weather conditions, time of day, type of film, aperture and stop, and anything else of interest. The boxes of slides circulate once a month, together with a notebook for each member to write as much as possible, raising points or asking questions which the others may discuss on receiving the box. She withdraws her slide and inserts another when the box is returned with everyone’s comments.


Image: Martins Bank Archive Collections – © Julian Taylor


1967 Jean Race Photography Feature MBM-Sp67P34.jpg

In this way she gets to know everybody well and the hints and suggestions put for­ward in the notebook prove helpful and interesting since few photographers hold identical views on every subject. Arguments, disagreements with club policy, adverse comments—sometimes strong criticism—all are taken in good part and a very friendly spirit prevails.The natural history circle has a mixed membership including a jeweller, farmer, housewife, secretary, doctor, radiologist, lecturer and a retired business man. The farmer from Cheshire writes interesting notes on wild life and submits excellent slides of birds and small animals.  The housewife has a wonderful collection of wild flowers: the doctor specializes in close-ups of insects and often includes pictures of wasps, beetles, caterpillars and moths blown up to more than life size. Once a year there is a general meeting and nature rambles are arranged in the spring, when it is amusing to see photographers crawling along stalking butterflies, seeking a rare wild flower, or even squelching in bog to take close-ups of grasses and ferns.

Jean pays Ł1 a year subscription and says that anyone owning a 35mm camera is eligible for membership. There is no minimum standard but members should be able to produce a black and white enlargement, mount their colour slides between glass, and ‘spot’ correctly. As the boxes can be dealt with at home any person lacking time or inclination to join a local camera club can still pursue their hobby.




It’s not often we get the chance to feature a member of Martins Bank’s Branch Banking Staff who not only loyally serves the Bank, but who also holds public office.  George W Dale is Chief Cashier at Keighley by day, and Mayor of keighley at all other times!  His rise to fame is recalled by our good friend Julian Taylor, who also took the photograph of George from the Mayoral “Hall of Fame” in the Council Chamber of Keighley Town Hall…


1963 Keighly North St Martins Bank & Police Station Julian Taylor PA.jpg 

Image: Martins Bank Archive Collections – © Julian Taylor

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Seal of Office

1963 Mayor 1266George W. Dale was Chief Cashier at Keighley Branch during the 1950’s & 1960’s. In his younger days he had been a very effective wicketkeeper (his words!), in league cricket.  Be that as it may, it was always used as the reason for his creaking back & knees which meant he could only supervise the humping of cash bags – a task for which he enthusiastically employed we juniors.


Keighley News.jpgIn those days Tuesday was the day that surplus or old bank notes were despatched to Head Office in Liverpool. This was done by post by way of HVPs (High Value Packets) Each packet contained Ł5000. Carefully parcelled & sealed with wax by the Chief Cashier.


George would depart on foot to the Post Office, with one parcel under each arm, accompanied by a junior male clerk.  The duo would leave the branch on the dot at 11.50 am to ensure the parcels could be deposited with the Post Office in time for him to catch his bus home for lunch.  Most of the town were aware of this routine but no attack was ever threatened.

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George Dale stood in the Keighley Borough Council elections in 1958 for the Riddlesden Ward as a Conservative. During canvassing, posters surreptisciosly appeared on the staff notice board “VOTE for DALE for CHEAPER ALE”  (He did enjoy a pint) He was successful and served for some 5 years as a Councillor before being elected Mayor of Keighley in 1963. Reports and pictures of his Mayor making ceremony covered most of the front page of the weekly broadsheet The Keighley News, and the report of his acceptance speech included the following tribute to his employers Martins Bank:-

Newspaper Image © The Keighley News and successors 1963

Our “then and now” features normally consist of two photographs - comparing old with new - and that’s it.  Just occasionally, we are lucky to be able to compare several images of a Branch.  Here, we see that sometimes, not even carving your name in stone will guarantee your future.  At Keighley Branch, the rare images below show the name of the Craven Bank in the elaborate stonework at the top of the building. Wind forward through a merger or two and the words “Martins Bank” have replaced the original carvings. 

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A few more decades go by, and it becomes Barclays’ turn to run the place, although they don’t go so far as to carve their name with pride, perhaps learning from their predecessors that nothing lasts forever. To to bring things up to date, we have the superb contemporary colour photograph of 77 North Street, still a bank, and still open for now. Thanks as usual to Dave Baldwin and also to his long suffering wife, who has endured many of his photographic expeditions on our behalf!  Dave’s attention to detail is invaluable, as he always tries to capture the modern view from the same aspect as the original

Image: Martins Bank Archive Collections – © Julian Taylor

Image © Barclays Ref 0030-1453

Image: Martins Bank Archive Collections – © Dave Baldwin
















1915 to 1915 Mr A Dewhirst joined the bank here MBM-Su60P50.jpg

1921 Mr A S Tillotson joined the bank here MBM-Wi64P54.jpg

1926 to 1933 Mr N Milner MBM-Au64P05.jpg

1932 to 1946 Mr G M Petty MBM-Au63P55.jpg

1937 to 1949 Mr A W Hindle Manager MBM-Wi49P10.jpg

1939 to 1940 and 1953 to 1960 Mr F Wade MBM-Sp66P05.jpg






Mr A Dewhirst

Joined the Bank Here


Mr A S Tillotson

Joined the Bank Here


Mr N Milner

On the Staff

1926 to 1933

Mr G M Petty

On the Staff

1932 to 1946

Mr A W Hindle


1937 to 1949

Mr Frank Wade

On the Staff 1939-1940

and 1953 to 1960






1940 to 1941 Mr WA Hopewell MBM-Wi66P02.jpg

1941 to 1943 Mr I A Douglas  MBM-Wi63P07.jpg

1945 to 1948 Mr E Shackleton MBM-Sp67P03.jpg

1947 to 1949 Mr D G Brogden joined the bank here MBM-Sp66P07.jpg

1949 to 1953 Mr H R Suttle Manager MBM-Su53P16.jpg

1949 to 1958 Mr D L Naylor Assistant Manager MBM-Wi58P52.jpg






Mr W A Hopewell

On the Staff

1940 to 1941

Mr I A Douglas

On the Staff

1941 to 1943

Mr E Shackleton

On the Staff

1945 to 1948

Mr D G Brodgen

Joined the Bank Here

1947 to 1949

Mr H R Suttle


1949 to 1953

Mr D L Naylor

Assistant Manager

1949 to 1958






1953 to 1962 Mr Eric G Earnshaw Manager from 1959 MBMWi64P55.jpg

1958 to 1960 Mr J F Bauer Assistant Manager MBM-Sp68P49.jpg

1959 to 1966 Mr E C Ellison LD Manager MBM-Sp66P05.jpg

1960 to 1963 Mr H D Clough Assistant Manager MBM-Au63P55.jpg

1960 to 1965 Mr RF Hopwood pro then assistant Manager MBM-Su65P07.jpg






Mr Eric G Earnshaw


1953 to 1959

Mr D Julian Taylor

On the Staff

1956 to 1961

Mr Johnnie F Bauer

Assistant manager

1958 to 1960

Mr E C Ellison LD


1959 to 1966

Mr H D Clough

Assistant Manager

1960 to 1963

Mr R F Hopwood

Pro then Assistant

Manager 1960 to 1965






1960 Mr D J Fryer MBA-DJT.jpg

1963 George W Dale Chief Cashier and Mayor of Keighley DJT.jpg

1965 Miss BM Farey Staff MBM-Su65P43.jpg

1965 to 1968 Mr D Ingham Assistant Manager MBM-Su65P07.jpg

1966 Dave Baldwin DB-MBA

1966 Jean Plume Cashier MBM-Wi66P53.jpg






Mr D J Fryer

On the Staff


George W Dale

Chiref Cashier


Miss B M Farey

On the Staff


Mr D Ingham

Assistant Manager

1965 to 1968

David Baldwin

Joined the Bank Here


Miss Jean Plume








1966 Mr AW Denton Manager MBM-Sp66P04.jpg

1967 Miss Elizabeth Atkins wins Miss Youth Club Title MBM-Su67P47.jpg

1967 Susan Robertshaw Staff Member MBM-Su67P47.jpg

1968 K Marsden Assistant Manager MBM-Sp68P06.jpg

1969 David Baxter Staff (DOB).jpg

BW Logo






Mr A W Denton


1966 onwards

Elizabeth Atkins

Staff and Miss Youth Club of 1966

Susan Robertshaw

On the Staff


Mr K Marsden

Assistant Manager


David O Baxter

On the Staff






Index Number and District:






Martins Bank Limited 11-03-50 Keighley

Full Branch

PO Box 3 77 North St Keighley Yorkshire

108 Craven

Mon to Fri 1000-1500 

Saturday 0900-1130

Keighley 3216/7

Nightsafe Installed

A W Denton Manager




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Keighley Cavendish Street


7 August 1906

18 December 1918

3 January 1928

15 December 1969

9 August 2024

Opened by the Craven Bank

Bank of Liverpool

Bank of Liverpool and Martins Limited

Martins Bank Limited

Barclays Bank Limited 20-45-14 Keighley 77 North Street

Closed permanently from 12 noon

Cross Hills